A landing page is a page within your website to which you refer from other media. Think of a link from a Google Ads campaign. A landing page provides more conversion. But why is that? And what does a landing page have to comply with?
Of course, you can also send visitors to your homepage or a product page, but if your landing page fits in seamlessly with your advertisement, the visitor will need to make less ‘effort’ to orientate him/herself.
The landing page is, in fact, a transition page that you place between the advertisement or expression with which you get the visitor on your website and prepared to show more about the products and services you want to show. Sometimes a landing page can’t be found in a menu because it’s specially designed to ‘receive’ visitors who have clicked on an advertisement. You don’t make a landing page per se to be easier to find. It is better to use (blog) articles in which you can place links to a landing page.
What’s the purpose?
as indicated, it is not so much about attracting as many online visitors as possible, but about attracting the right customers. In other words, the target group where all offered information, products and services are aimed at. Links and banners to these pages are distributed on the web, advertised and made findable in Google via SEO in such a way that they can reach customers with possible interest in the product optimally. Then landing pages make the visitors a suitable offer, in exchange for information or data.
Striving for more conversion
Landing pages are entirely focused on so-called conversion. Within internet marketing, this means that a certain predetermined goal must be achieved with the launch of the page. For example, generating more purchases, collecting customer data or registering for a meeting. In marketing, conversion goals are always described in measurable terms, often in percentages. For example, a conversion rate of 2% can be aimed for. Then it is assumed that at least two out of 100 visitors perform the action on the landing page.
What do landing pages yield?
Conversion does not always have to be about an actual purchase by the visitor. There are more online customer actions to which companies attach great value, such as:
- Subscribe to a newsletter
- Register for an event
- Information request
- Download demo
- Contact service
- Establish contact, for example with a callback request
For all these actions, the visitor deliberately, and sometimes also unconsciously, leaves data behind. Data that the company can use for product positioning and targeted web marketing. For example, web administrators and marketers use these landing pages for:
- Expanding the so-called ‘brand awareness’ among the target group.
- Offering more in-depth content
- Selling (online) products and services
- Getting to know existing and new customers better
- Generating valuable leads
What are leads?
An important goal of a landing page is to win leads. These are so-called ‘traces’ that can lead to potential customers. By collecting them and approaching them in a targeted way, sales transactions can ultimately be realized. Leads include telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and other contact details that visitors leave behind by subscribing to a newsletter or requesting information, a demo or a quotation.
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Importance of SEO and keywords
Keywords are central to landing pages. These keywords or related terms ensure that search engines and then the target group track down the page and visit the website. But it also important to match the keywords from campaigns to the keywords on your page. (See below: The advantages of a landing page)
Researching the right search terms and well-thought-out use of them in the web content is, therefore, an essential part of the composition of landing pages. But it does take some time. It is important that the focus is kept on the subject and that the number of primary keywords is not expanded too much.
The advantages of a landing page are
- Because your landing page matches your advertisement, your visitor does not have to think or search. This results in fewer visitors who drop out and more visitors who will read the message on the landing page.
- An additional advantage is that Google Ads looks at the relevance of your landing page and your advertisement. The closer they are to each other, the better you will be judged and you will have to pay less for a ‘click’. In other words, a good landing page will save you advertising costs.
- You can convince the visitor step by step. In your advertisement, you attract the visitor with an advantage. On your landing page, you can mention more advantages and confirmations with ‘social proof’. Think of reviews, quotes, references. Always provide a name and photo, otherwise, the “proof” has no value.
- All these elements together make the conversion go up.
4 Tips for a successful landing page
- Make sure the message matches your ad. A very eye-catching title of your landing page may seem funny, but it’s not your goal to attract attention. If all goes well, the ad will do that for you. It’s all about trust and persuasion now!
- Convince with advantages for the visitors. No list of specifications, but focus on concrete benefits. You finally have time to spare because of our solution… You save money thanks to our tool… etc. etc.
- Keep it clear and make sure there is as little noise as possible. All elements that do not directly contribute to the connection between advertisement and offer can be removed.
It is important that you keep it simple for the visitor. One goal, one call to action. - I don’t mean just one button. You can show multiple buttons, as long as there is only one goal. And the best goal is a page on which you can go into more detail about what you have to offer. More background information, specifications, references, reviews, and examples.
A solution to the above ‘noise problem’ is that you divide the benefits, social proof and information into several pages. You link these pages together so that the visitor is convinced step by step. This is also called a funnel.

Measuring success
The success of your landing page is very easy to measure within Google Analytics. The basic question is: “How many people come to the landing page and how many people go to the product/service page?” The larger the number of people who click through, the better and you can adjust your content to see if you get influence on this number.
Sometimes small differences, such as the text of your call to action button, can make a big difference. Once you have created landing pages, it is worth testing A/B and optimizing your landing page. See also: Within 5 minutes your first A/B test
With an A/B test, you can create different variants of your landing page and test if “Start today” works better as a call to action than “Request a trial period”. Do you have questions about landing pages? I like to read and answer them in the comment section below.
Thank you for reading our blog. If you would like to learn more or get started with landing pages, please do not hesitate to contact FML Marketing. We are a digital marketing agency, located in Estepona on the Costa del Sol.