Most Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have websites that still look a lot like a brochure. Some texts, some pictures … but what actually happens on these websites? Is there internet marketing on these websites? Are these websites responsible for requests and/or leads? Or does it remain with a static website?
Website marketing Costa del Sol
If your answer is ‘no’, then here in this article I have 5 valuable website marketing tips that can help you get on the road of internet marketing and improve your website. The result: an internet marketing website that helps your company to generate customers via the internet and generate leads!
Website Marketing tips – 1. It is actually not about you
Your website (if you do it right) is not about your company, but about the problems and wishes of your visitor and what you, therefore, have to offer him. That is a world of difference. The best way to put your visitor first is to appeal to him and pay attention to his needs/ problems/dilemmas and ultimately your solution!
Website Marketing tips – 2. Be punctual and clear.
Visitors (just like you) quickly search via Google for a service/product. As soon as they arrive on a website, they want to immediately feel/know where they are. Can I find what I am looking for here? Where am I? What do they have to offer me? In short: a hard first impression is needed to give the searching customer something to hold on to. The more unique / more different the better.
Most SME websites do not convince! Inform them. You get laps of text about a working method, a process or a long description of how something works. But visitors find that only partly interesting. What they find interesting is ‘What does it deliver?’, The result of what you have to offer on the highest form. Convincing means selling holes, not drilling!
Website marketing tip – 3. Create conversion paths!
An internet marketing website leads its visitors to the desired target pages. What do you want your visitors to do? Dial? Fill in a contact form? Purchase a small service? Download an article? Request information? Sign up for the newsletter? Determining and integrating these conversion paths in your website encourages visitors to take action, this is conversion optimization!
Website marketing tips – 4. Lower the threshold
For everything you tell or what you want your visitors to do, low threshold is the magic word. If you want them to fill out a contact form, make this form as short as possible. If you want them to fill out a form at all, indicate that it is non-committal. The more accessible your website is, the easier visitors will take action! Research what the prominent addition of a phone number does!

Website marketing tips – 5. Make your internet marketing website findable
A bonus tip that is more about attracting visitors. It is important to know which keywords you want to be found. How much volume is there? How much competition is there? Creating separate ‘landing pages’ for these keywords ensures a qualitative visit. Also read: Qualitative visit through conversion-oriented SEO landing pages. This article is meant to give you an impression of what is possible to transform your internet marketing website into an online marketing machine. You will not be the first to recruit more than 70% of its customers via its website. Check our Search Engine Optimization page for more details!
Thank you for reading FML’s marketing blog
Do you also want to attract more leads, requests and customers via your website? We would like to help you with this. Contact us for more information.