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Best WordPress plugins to improve loading speed

As we discussed the best standard plugins in our first part of The Best WordPress plugins of 2017-2018, it is now time for 10 kick-ass plugins to improve the (mobile) loading speed of your website.

According to research firm Aberdeen, a fast website increases visitor engagement, retention, and boosts sales. Instantaneous websites lead to higher conversion rates, and every 1 second delay in page load decreases customer satisfaction by 16%, page views by 11% and conversion rates by 7%.

10 Best WordPress plugins to improve loading speed

First, do a pre-test via Google Pagespeed, but I think Pingdom tools (choose Stockholm test) give a better picture.

  1. WP smush (this plugin compresses photos so your photos have less kb and load faster).
  2. WP Super Cache (for fast loading times of your website) and Cloudflare (free plan).
  3. WP fastest cache plugin is also a great alternative to WP Super Cache. Meanwhile (in January 2018) the plugin W3 Total Cache is also up-to-date and good to choose.
  4. Autoptimize (combines CSS and puts Javascript under the pagefold for faster loading times).
  5. BJ lazy load (this plugin ensures that you load images a bit later than the text of your website, this saves a lot of loading time and prevents (mobile) users from dropping out).
  6. Far future Expiry header (Check first if your headers already have an end date via Pingdom tools for loading time / Stockholm).
  7. Widget options (so you can determine where widgets are coming, and to keep your home space fee, limit loading time).
  8. JCH Optimize (Good plugin to merge background images).
  9. TinyPng (This is another great plugin to drastically reduce the size of your images).
  10. Perfmatters. This plugin is a great addition to already installed Cache plugins. WordPress enables certain options by default, that aren’t needed for most websites and have a negative impact on the performance. available from $19,95 per year.

Improve loading speed with FML Marketing

To improve your SEO, the loading speed of your website is crucial. Moreover, this has a rather large impact on the behaviour of your website visitors. We help our clients with a full website analysis, improving speed, conversion, interaction and the overall website behaviour of your clients. Contact us without any obligations for more info or a quote! Thank you for reading, and don’t forget to subscribe and share.

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